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Archive for "opinions"

Why I Don’t Tolerate “Trolls”

March 31st, 2009

On my About Me page, under my Disclaimer Stuff, you might have noticed that I reserve the right to “edit, delete, and block any and all inappropriate or unnecessary comments on this blog, as I see fit.” I generally reserve this right because there are those people out there who like nothing better than to […]


Posted in ideas, information, links, opinions, web-related

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When the Back-Up Crashes

January 22nd, 2009

What do you do when your back up crashes? I’ll tell you what I did.. Freak out! Most of my crap stuff are backed up on DVDs and my .5 TB MyBook external. Had I known how crappy fragile the MyBook was, I would’ve jumped on my annual back up a lot sooner. Here’s the […]


Posted in computer-related, information, opinions

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November 5th, 2008

I for one am not a big fan of politics, and as such, decided to keep most political comments to myself.  This is mainly because I have strong opinions that don’t follow the main-stream of the blue-haired majority, and I don’t necessarily enjoy opening myself up to “trolling” and the like.  However, there are a […]


Posted in information, opinions
